Contact Us
Advanced Building Technology, LLC
Broomfield, Colorado
(303) 588 - 1447
SIP Savings, Energy Savings, High Performance Home, Sustainability, Cost Reduction, Structurally Insulated Panels
Total savings over is for the average size home built with SIPs and Solar when using Natural Gas or Propane/Oil for heating. Actual savings may vary due to size of home, location, and fluctuations in regional material, labor and utilities costs.
Certifications"Not all SIPs are created equal!"
  • Our Structural Insulated Panels or SIPs are produced in factories that are 3rd party audited, tested and listed as "certified" by ICC-ES for only structurally approved raw materials, and the panels are produced following strict operating guidelines. Samples from production are tested by ICC-ES to destruction, which assures you the customer that they exceed all structural testing guidelines.
  • Therefore, Structural Insulated Panels have earned the right to claim, "they are one of the most structurally engineered and tested building system in the U.S. and Internationally" and meet the International Building Code and U.S. State Codes.
  • Our factories utilize state-of-the-art automated Computer Numerical Cutting (CNC) equipment and technology with formalized quality control to ensure panel cutting accuracy, plus you the customer have final approval of the factory shop drawings used by the computer before the panels are produced; so, you are assured they accurately match the architectural plans you submitted.
  • Our factories offer "value added services" of factory installed splines and opening framing to simplify and speed up the assembly process for the builder.
  • A state licensed Professional Engineer (PE) will structurally evaluate your SIP plans to ensure they exceed your state's building codes and the wind and snow loads at your construction site before the PE wet stamps your plans; so, they are approved by your local building department.
  • Our factories have liability insurance, and they have a history of proven reliability and customer support.